Saturday 10 April 2010

Some good news for a change

Just over a year ago, this piece of shit:

broke into a man's house with an accomplice in order to burgle the place.  The homeowner was, understandably, a little miffed about this and stabbed the thieving cunts quite a bit.  So much in fact that one was in hospital and one, the ugly cunt in the picture, died.  Aaaaah, what a fucking pity.

The CPS, mindless cunts that they are, decided to prosecute the homeowner for murder instead of recommending him for a medal.

Well now it seems that common sense has prevailed a little; the CPS have now said that they
will not contest his not guilty plea. 
Well it's about time.  He should never have been charged in the first place, and you bunch of cunts have now realised how wrong you were.  I hope he sues the shit out of you for putting him through a year's worth of worry and anguish.  He fucking deserves it.  You cunts.

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