Friday 9 April 2010

Laughing at the misfortune of others

We all do it, and we all enjoy it.  Unless it's about us, of course, in which case we whine and bitch about it and involve national organisations.

Sorry love, but if you go to a Frankie Boyle gig and laugh at his jokes about other peoples' misfortune you've got absolutely no fucking right at all, none whatsoever, to feel offended when he has a go at the brand of retard that in some way affects you personally.

And to the spokesmong of the Mong Association, all I want to say is: mongs, like most brands of retard, are just a drain on society and we'll all be better off when we manage to eradicate the causes of them.  Until we have, kindly stop being chronically offended about the humour that is to be found in retards.  Mongs, spackers and flids are just plain funny.

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