Sunday, 7 November 2010

Workshy oxygen stealers to be forced to work

About fucking time.

Long-term benefit claimants could be forced to do manual labour under proposals to be outlined by Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith.  He is due to outline plans for four-week placements doing jobs like gardening and litter clearing.

He said the message would be: "Play ball or it's going to be difficult." 

Good.  I'm sick and tired of paying a third of my salary to support the scrounging bunch of cunts.   Work 'em hard.

Sunday, 31 October 2010

Remind me again why I pay taxes?

Is it so that firefighters can stand idly by and watch a bloke drown, refusing even to help a member of the public rescue the poor fucker?  And then go on strike on fucking bonfire night?  Idle, cynical cunts.

Or is it so that the filth can stand idly by, watching an illegal rave going on without closing it down?  Idle cunts.

Or possibly so that a brain-dead ginger twat can have a go at another brain dead ginger twat?  Just cunts.

Stop stealing my fucking wages, the fucking lot of you.

Saturday, 23 October 2010

Islam, the religion of peace

Fucking animals.  What's happening there is far worse than what one insane man was doing in Eye-rack.  Time to cauterize the world of the shit-spouting, pig-fucking islamists once and for all, isn't it?

Sunday, 17 October 2010

At last, a decent idea for the druggie scumbags

Sterilise the fuckers.  It's a start I suppose.  Use radioactive sutures while you're at it and give the useless oxygen stealers cancer.

I thought it was quite dull

This week the BBC started a  new drama about hot lezzers called Lip Service.  Being on BBC3, and starring Ruda Gedmintas (who happily popped the pups out in The Tudors) I was expecting more jubblies than were served up.  About 3 seconts of tits in the whole fucking show, and a couple of shots of her with her hands down some other tarts jeans in a mortuary looking like she was trying to sandpaper some rough old oak rather than tickling the old love bean.

Still, it seems to have got the god botherers all worked up, which is always a good thing.

Alice Seddon, who contacted a national newspaper, said
I was shocked and horrified. It was so off-putting I switched off.
Congratulations fuckwit, that's what the off button is for.  No need to go whining about it.  Another viewer, commenting on an internet forum, described the funeral parlour sex scene as
stomach churning
As he wiped the jizz from his quivvering belly, probably.

Any way.  "Lip Service": 3/10.  Needs moar tits.

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Dear asylum seeking spongers

Dear asylum-seeking, money-wasting, benefit-scrounging wastes of oxygen,

Thank you.  And don't let the door hit your fucking arse on the way out.

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

I don't see a problem here...

Thief gets caught, struggles with those detaining him, dies.  What's the problem?  Certainly nothing to warrant a manslaughter charge against the security guard who was legitimately detaining the thieving cunt.

Aaron Bishop, thieving cunt, now thankfully dead.

Monday, 20 September 2010

Only got a 2.2? Never mind, take the uni to court

Imagine the scene on results day.  Will I get a First?  A 2.1? A 2.2?  Horror of horrors, a 3rd?  Oh, it's a 2.2.  Obviously the university's fault for not making me work harder.  I know.  I'll take them to court.

Let me just make something completely clear...


Saturday, 18 September 2010

More pandering to Muzzies

In Spain this time.  Disco calls itself  "La Meca" and has an eastern themed makeover.  Local (and not so local) ragheads start threatening the owner, the business etc.  One raghead hacker hit the club's website threatening
a war between Spain and the people of Islam
Needless to say, the owner has keeled over and given in to the ragheads.

Why are we letting these cunts get away with making everyone pander to their far too easily offended sensibilities?  I mean, they believe in fucking fairies in the sky for fuck's sake?  Allah ackbar?  Allah the fascist cocksucker more like.  Drop dead ragheads, the fucking lot of you.

Thursday, 9 September 2010

A strange definition of sexual harrassment

OK, so help me out a little here.  A guy by the name of Fernando Flores, a former bodyguard of Britney Spears, claims he was sexually harrased by her because she was
repeatedly parading around in the nude and having sex in front of him.
What. The. FUCK? Are you completely off your rocker?  A complete mental?  You saw Britney Spears fucking and you think that's a bad thing?  Jesus Tittyfucking Christ.  You're either a total retard or a complete faggot.
According to papers filed in Los Angeles Superior Court, Mr Flores alleges that Spears made repeated, unwanted sexual advances and summoned him to her room to expose her naked body.
Definitely a massive faggot.

Apparently seeing this nude is sexual harrassment.
Well fuck it, I'm up for some.
Tell me you wouldn't fuck the shit out of this and I'll call you a faggot.

Saturday, 28 August 2010

Show us yer tits!

So, watching X Factor tonight, Katy Perry says to one (admittedly quite ripped) young man
I'm not giving him a yes until he shows me his pecs.
Whereupon said young man takes his top off and flashes his physique at her.  Definitely just a bit of fun and everyone laughed.

So to even the balance a bit, please will the next episode show an attractive young woman with her tits out?  Thanks.

English Defence League once again painted as the bad guys

This time it's the Torygraph.
Violence broke out shortly before 2pm as chanting EDL supporters began throwing missiles towards Asian youngsters and anti-fascist activists who had been taunting them with shouts of "Nazi scum off our streets."
And were the ragheads arrested for racial harrassment?  Hardly.  If the situation had been reversed, with EDL chanting "Paki cunts" at the paki cunts, then they would all have been carted off for charges of racially aggravated public order offences.  Not so the fucking muzzie cunts, who get away with it once again.
Earlier, it appeared as if a combination of police tactics and community self-restraint would stifle attempts by the EDL to provoke a violent backlash by Asian youth angry at their presence in the area.
No, you blind, brainwashed fucking idiot, the EDL isn't in it to provoke anything.  It's about making the fucking ragheads realise that it's our fucking country, not theirs, and there is no place for their dark ages retrograde society of mongs.  But we're not allowed to say that in case they get "offended."  Well fuck that.  If they are free to promulgate their brand of barbarism, including cutting womens genitals off and stoning women to death for being raped,  the surely we have the right to tell them to fuck off back to durka-durka-stan, dont we?
Ratna Lachman, of the Bradford Women's Peace Project said: The EDL have a right to protest, yes,
Very fucking generous of you, I'm sure.
but we must not allow them to provoke us into violence. Unfortunately many young Asians are very angry at years of police stop and search and anti-terror laws, Islamophobia and continuing economic discrimination.
Then  maybe you should start fixing things by taking care of the extremism in your own ranks.  If you refused to allow it to flourish, we wouldn't have to stop and search your budding little bombers. As it stands, you don't seem to be too concerned about it, so fuck off and stop whining.
As EDL supporters stepped off coaches they began hurling abuse at the locals who had gathered to protest against them, chanting "Allah - paedophile"
Well, according to their own records, Mohammed (dogshit on his name) did get betrothed to Aisha when she was 6 or 7 and the marriage was consummated when she was 9.  Ergo, Allah's prophet Mohammed is a pedo.  And I guess any magic sky god would punish a prophet who did something he disapproved of.  He didn't do anything, ergo he approves of paedophilia, ergo he's a pedo.  So you can fuck off and stop whinging about that one for a start, Mister Ragtop.
"We want our country back"
We do.
and "We love the floods"
Matthew Wells, an EDL supporter from Chesterfield, said: "If we don't fight back against Islam now we'll wake up in a few years under Sharia law. All these racial laws are racist against white people and we have to take a stand."
This is what a lot of people are afraid of.  Good on the EDL for speaking up about it, even if they are being painted as the bad man for it.

Friday, 27 August 2010

Sunday, 25 July 2010

The smell of bullshit...

... is oh so strong in the post-Hockenheim driver's interviews.

Edit: And Rob Smedley?  You're a fucking liar.  "I was trying to push him."  Complete fucking bullshit.

On Venables...

I've followed this story with interest, and have reached a conclusion that I didn't expect to reach: it was a good thing that Venables was released.

Reading between the lines of the reports, he has spent the years since his release cowering alone in fear of his life on a daily basis, trudging along at minimum wage jobs without even the prospect of a girlfriend to cheer him up.

Sounds like the useless cunt has had a rougher time out of prison than in.  Mentally that is, and that's more important as far as revenge is concerned than repercussions of a purely physical nature.


Now it's time for the physical repercussions.  I hope you took a big tube of KY to court with you, you evil piece of shit.

Thursday, 15 July 2010

Not licensed or trained...

Right.  Imagine you're a normal working man, whose job it is to paint while lines on the road.  You come across an obstacle in the form of a squashed badger.  Not recently deceased and oozy, but well and truly flattened.  Do you:
  1. Pick up a shovel from the back of the van and shovel it to the side of the road, as you would do with, say, a bit of old tyre that was in the way or
  2. Leave a gap with a dead badger in it.
Guess which option the thick cunts from Hampshire County Council chose?

Their excuse?
Council contractor Amey said the staff from sub-contractor Bellstan were not "licensed or trained" to remove road kill.
Not licensed or fucking trained?  To operate a fucking shovel?  Give me strength.

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

If you've been affected by the issues...

Dear BBC.  If I'm ever affected by the pathetic storylines in Eastenders to such an extent that I feel that I need some sort of counselling, rest assured that the fucking BBC Action Line won't be my first port of call.

So please, please stop advertising the cunting waste of license fee after every programme that contains any storylines that aren't all cuddly fucking bunnies and my little cunting pony.

Thank you.  And fuck off.

Monday, 12 July 2010

Welcome to Staffordshire, AKA Little Mecca

Look, if you're retarded and want to believe in fairies and other such fuckwitted imbecility then by all means follow the teachings of a paedophile warlord from the 7th century during your "holy" month of ramadanadingdong, but you can fuck off if you think your shit should affect other people IN ANY FUCKING WAY AT ALL.

Unless you're in fucking Staffordshire of course, where the council, in their infinitesimal wisdom, have decreed that
Schools with a significant number of Muslim pupils should try to avoid scheduling swimming lessons during Ramadan to remove unnecessary barriers to full participation.
FUCK OFF YOU CUNTS.  Why the cunting FUCK should any normal, non-raghead have to miss out on swimming lessons because some fucking ragheaded twat thinks he might swallow an itty-bitty little bit of water and thereby incur the Wrath of Khan (or whoever the fuck Mo-cunty-hammed invented.)

The same bunch of imbecilic cock-wipes also
suggests re-scheduling sex education classes during the holy lunar month, as Muslim followers who have reached puberty are required to avoid sexual thoughts during this period.
Again.. FUCK OFF.  If your little fuckers can't keep their minds away from each others cocks and cunts during Ramadanading-fucking-DONG then that's their fucking look out.

And finally...
Because of the religious requirement for Muslims to avoid eating during sunlight hours, some pupils get up before dawn to eat with their families.  Schools have been advised this can disrupt pupils' sleeping patterns and it suggests examinations could be re-scheduled to reflect their lower levels of concentration. 
Fuck.  Me.  Rigid.  Poor wee lambies.  Employers won't give a fuck about you when you start work, you'll have to work a full fucking shift whether you got up early for a bit of brekkie or not.  Just get the fuck on with it you whining bunch of cuntdribbles.


Fucking councils.  Waste of fucking money.  Cunts.

Friday, 18 June 2010

Keep the little fucker quiet then

 Why are people surprised that when the actions of their by-blows cause grief to other people there are consequences.  You chose to have the fucking brat, not me, so why should I have to listen to the cunting thing screaming.  If you can't control it, keep your fucking legs closed in the first place.
He had been in town, he was fed up and hot and was screaming to get out.
Well, you fucking chose to take him, didn't you.  If it wasn't life or death I'm sure the trip could have waited until the cooler evening or until your bloke got home.  Don't try and turn your poor choices into someone elses fault.
"The driver turned round and said if I did not shut him up we would be thrown off."
Seems fair enough.  He didn't just chuck you off without giving you a chance to silence your brat.
"I tried in vain to keep him quiet as I felt a bit embarrassed." But at the Manadon roundabout, about 30 minutes walk from her house, the bus driver stopped. "He said I had had a warning and must get off. I felt very embarrassed and upset."
And I can ssure you, sweetie, that said embarassment and upset was outmatched tenfold by the relief of the other passengers who had had to put up with your noisesome sprog.  And stop whining about a 30 minute walk too.  First off, your brat is in a buggy, so you haven't got to carry him.  Second, being four months pregnant is hardly difficult.  If you were 8 or 9 months fair enough, but four?  Do fuck off.

Now stop being a whiney little bitch.

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Get out robbing folks

... because four thefts spread over two months is only worth a fucking suspended sentence.
The judge also ordered Doab to undergo a drug treatment programme.
What the fuck do you have to do to get locked up these days?  Look after a wartime family heirloom?

A grandmother has been jailed for five years for possessing a "family heirloom" World War II pistol. 
 Five fucking years for doing something pretty harmless; fuck all for actually causing grief to people.

Fucking judiciary need stringing up, the fucking lot of them.

Addendum: And only two years prison for someone who actively converted starter pistols into useable guns and sold them to criminals.  Priceless.

Saturday, 12 June 2010

Who invented this abomination?

I'm no fan of football, but I do turn on for our national matches, hence tuning in to ITV tonight to watch Ingerluuund v Yooessay.  What the  fuckety fucking fuck are all the fucking trumpets for?  Can we please nuke the fucking factory?  90 minutes of
Jesus Fucking H Christ, is that the height of South African culture?  A fucking plastic trumpet?

Friday, 11 June 2010

Excuse me sir, your lead is too long...

Excuse me sir, your dog's lead is too long.


Well I'm issuing you with a fixed penalty.

You can go suck a dick if you think I'm paying that.

It's a fixed penalty, sir, and legally you have to pay it.  What is your name?

Not telling you.  Go fuck yourself.

You have to tell me, sir, it's a legal requirement.  Otherwise we wouldn't know who to post the ticket to.

Oh, really?  Well in that case, I repeat, for emphasis, go fuck yourself.

Don't swear at me sir, I'll call the police.

You go ahead you jumped-up little cuntwipe, I'll be long gone by the time they get here.  I can just see them making this a priority call.

I have the power to detain you until they arrive, sir.

Wrong.  You might think that, but if you don't take your hands off me right now, I'll break every finger you've got.  Now fuck the hell off out of my way.

I could go on.  I'm bored now though and I think you get the point.  You can see it happening though.  Completely unenforceable.

Why wasn't this child in care?

If ever there was a case for putting a child into care, this was surely it.
A Gloucestershire couple have pleaded guilty to two charges of cruelty to a 14-month-old baby who died from suspected methadone poisoning. 
 You fucking what?  Two drug addled wastes of semen gave methadone to a fucking infant in order to quieten it down?  Well excuse me, but even as one who reaches instinctively for a shotgun every time a neighbour's child cries, or a sprog in a pub starts squalling, there's no way I could ever actualy do something as utterly, utterly fucking retarded as to give a kid methadone.

I'm not blaming the councils here, but I do think that if a pair of druggie scumbags procreate, their offspring should be taken into care and adopted out immediately.  No questions, no appeals.  Because they are a scourge on society and do not deserve children.

I'm also curious as to why the Crown stuPidity disService decided to withdraw charges of manslaughter.  Surely it's clear that the actions of the druggie shitwipes caused the death of the kid, there is ne need to prove intent when charging constructive manslaughter or criminally negligent manslaughter and any jury would surely find these sacks of pustulent scum guilty.

Monday, 7 June 2010

A portion of Crispy Fried Thief please!

Finally, something to warm the cockles of my heart.  Though not, I hope, to the same temperature as the meat on this thieving cunt.  Serves you right, you cum-stain on the curtains of humanity; I hope you spend the rest of your years in excruciating agony.  That, or die.  Actually, please die.  It'll cost the NHS less.

Saturday, 5 June 2010

Noisy cunts

Jesus fucking H Christ you noisy cuntbags, can't you have a good time on a Saturday night without shouting so fucking loud I can hear you clear across town?  Inconsiderate fucking asswipes.  I hope you die from cirrhosis or liver cancer.  Soon.

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Another victory for effective gun control

Effective, knee-jerk gun control, brought in after the Hungerford and Dunblaine massacres today prevented another massacre.  In a parallel universe.  In this one, however, the knee-jerk reactions of the bansturbators proves once again that reactive measures are rarely, if ever, effective.

After Hungerford, semi-automatic weapons were banned for private citizens.

After Dunblaine, handguns were banned.

Now, since a shotgun was used, I predict that they, too will be banned with no regard to the consequences to farmers, sport shooters etc, exactly as when handguns were banned.

Legislation based on a knee-jerk reaction to the actions of one fucking nut job is always flawed, always nothing but political posturing.  Prove me wrong, coalition.  Please.

Monday, 31 May 2010

Yo Mama!

Hey!  Non existent sky fairy!  People are fucking yo mama!

Thursday, 20 May 2010

Put a (wind)sock in it

For fuck's sake, Unite, get a grip.  If an employer fails to abide by some "minor, minor technicality" you lot are on them like a ton of bricks, forcing talks, complaining bitterly to the press and ultimately threatening industrial action.  How then is it that when you manage to fuck up a strike ballot with just such a "minor, minor technicality" you somehow feel that you should be let off.
We've done everything humanly possible but a minor, minor technicality to stop a democratic vote and ultimately a democratic lawful strike by our people is what this is all about.
No, it's not you brain-dead fuckwit.  By not being remotely competent you forgot to follow the rules.  Thus the strike is not lawful, thus shut the fuck up.
It's about stopping an effective trade union being effective in support of their members.
An effective trade union would know that it's vital to follow the rules and get things right.  You are therefore not an effective trade union and need to, I reiterate, shut the fuck up.

Oh, and
I don't blame British Airways - the law is wrong.
is just admitting that you fucked up and didn't act according to the law.  Fucking imbeciles.

Go suck a dick, you incompetent bunch of cuntwipes.

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Shameful injustice

Back in January, a (presumably retarded) judge ruled that a mental Iraqi who murdered two NHS nurses in 1990 cannot be deported back to his shitty little country because he
could pose a danger to people in his homeland.
And this week a (presumably equally retarded) judge ruled that a British citizen who was found guilty at a trial widely held to be unjust must be deported to Portugal to serve a prison sentence.

There's something fundamentally wrong here.  Britain has lost its way and no longer recognises even itself as a sovreign state and bows to the will of the EUSSR and other foreigners.

Fuck you for ruining my country, all you politicians.  Fuck you all.

Sunday, 25 April 2010

The word you're looking for is "prossies."

Tonight on the BBC there was a programme entitled "Five Daughters."  The blurb for the programme reads
The story of five young women murdered in Ipswich in the winter of 2006
Not a mention of the fact that they were prossies.  How very liberal progressive of you Aunty.

The destruction of a beautiful place

Give me back my beauty spot you fucking gippo cunts.

Oh the irony

Parliamentary candidates in the Lancaster and Fleetwood constituency have all been invited to a hustings in a local church.  Except the BNP.  You may think there's nothing unusual in that and you'd be right.  It's the norm today to marginalise and try to ignore the BNP.

What particularly stood out for me though was this little gem from the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams.
I find it very difficult to see the BNP as part of a serious political discussion and very often people will exploit the platform to say inflammatory and silly things.
"Silly things"?  This from a man who dresses up every day in a dress and professes to believe in fairies?  Fucking hell.

Thursday, 15 April 2010

Gone by the turn of the century

When I was at school, the then-youthful green movement was very fond of telling us that we would have run out of fossil fuels by the turn of the century.

So here we are some ten years later and everything seems to be going strong to me.  Particularly when gems like this crop up.  Two trillion cubic feet of gas.  Shove that up your green arseholes you cunts.

And another one gone, and another one gone...

... another one bites the dust.

Two in a week.  Fucking awesome :D

Tuesday, 13 April 2010


A thieving twat trying to steal metal from a power station has been burnt to a crisp (aka received "horrific burns") when exposed to 66,000 volts of electricity.

Fucking made me laugh hard!

The true scale of our financial mess

I didn't realise we were this badly fucked.


Sunday, 11 April 2010

If it looks like...

If it looks like a cunt and it dribbles like a cunt, it probably is a cunt Labour health secretary.

Saturday, 10 April 2010

Bicycles have lights for a reason

And this is it.  Dozy twat.

Some good news for a change

Just over a year ago, this piece of shit:

broke into a man's house with an accomplice in order to burgle the place.  The homeowner was, understandably, a little miffed about this and stabbed the thieving cunts quite a bit.  So much in fact that one was in hospital and one, the ugly cunt in the picture, died.  Aaaaah, what a fucking pity.

The CPS, mindless cunts that they are, decided to prosecute the homeowner for murder instead of recommending him for a medal.

Well now it seems that common sense has prevailed a little; the CPS have now said that they
will not contest his not guilty plea. 
Well it's about time.  He should never have been charged in the first place, and you bunch of cunts have now realised how wrong you were.  I hope he sues the shit out of you for putting him through a year's worth of worry and anguish.  He fucking deserves it.  You cunts.

Friday, 9 April 2010

Insufficient Expletives

What the fucking pikey gippo scum leave behind

There are not enough fucks, cunts, wankers and shits in the world to sum this shit up.  These fucking pikey, gippo cunts do nothing except steal from society without putting fucking anything back into it and the fucking cunting fucking cunts are to get massive fucking loans for fucking free?  And THEY get to set the fucking repayment plan?  So that they
will eventuellers-ally (sic) own the land and have a sense of ownership.


Prejudiced Police Pinch Perky Penis

Some dozy cunt without a sense of humour whinges to the police about a 4-foot concrete penis and they cuntfiscate it.  Talk about penis envy.  Humourless cunts.

Laughing at the misfortune of others

We all do it, and we all enjoy it.  Unless it's about us, of course, in which case we whine and bitch about it and involve national organisations.

Sorry love, but if you go to a Frankie Boyle gig and laugh at his jokes about other peoples' misfortune you've got absolutely no fucking right at all, none whatsoever, to feel offended when he has a go at the brand of retard that in some way affects you personally.

And to the spokesmong of the Mong Association, all I want to say is: mongs, like most brands of retard, are just a drain on society and we'll all be better off when we manage to eradicate the causes of them.  Until we have, kindly stop being chronically offended about the humour that is to be found in retards.  Mongs, spackers and flids are just plain funny.

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Downright thievery

Just saw an ad on TV that astonished me.  A company called QuickQuid flogging short term loans at usurious rates.  The TV caption said "Typical 2356% APR" but surely that's a mistake thought I.


A whole morning to say one thing?

Jesus Fucking H Christ, the BBC have gone completely mental this morning.  We all knew yesterday that cuntface had called the election for May 6th.  BBC1 is on air all fucking morning repeating itself ad nauseam.  There was just a whole ten minute slot devoted to the Queen arriving at Buck House by helicopter for fuck's sake.

I've been looking forward to this election for ages but the next month is going to be so depressing.  Which slightly right of centre party will win?  They're both the fucking same.

Just vote for anyone other than the three main parties.  It doesn't actually matter who, but a good showing for LPUK or Jury Team would be awesome.  Or BNP/UKIP to scare the establishment.  That would be fun!

Thursday, 1 April 2010

Achtung! Appel! Recyclingzeit!

Look out Northamptonshire, the fucking Nazis are coming here.  Better get your recycling in order quicksharp or the council gas bills are going to be on the rise.

Recyclers this way! Free lentils and hemp dresses!

Non-recyclers that way!  You're going for a "shower!"
The aim is to encourage residents to recycle by identifying any barriers they face and answering any questions about recycling.
Barrier:  I don't give a flying fuck about recycling.
Question:  What the fuck do you think you can do about it?

I'd rather waste my time making sure that all of my rubbish has no identifying marks on it and leaving it in the middle of the road where you have a statutory duty to clear it up than waste my time sorting my shit into piles for you.

Recycle this, motherfuckers

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Bending over backward for Muslims

Aaaaand we're at it again.

The NHS has a quite clear set of guidelines on hygiene for staff.  Correction, HAD a clear set of guidelines, that is until a bunch of fucking religionists decided they wanted to interfere.  One of the key principles was/is "bare below the elbows" which is pretty self explanatory.  And not enough for the fucking muslims as usual.

Why is is that every time an islamist whines that something or other is "immodest" or "against islam" we immediately bend the fuck over and take it in the rear by making allowances for them?
The guidance was drawn up following meetings between the Muslim Spiritual Care Provision in the NHS group and Islamic scholars, chaplains, multi-faith representatives and infection control experts.  
What the cunting FUCK have that lot got to do with it?  The only ones on that list who should have ANY fucking say are the infection control experts.

"Muslim Spiritual Care Provision in the NHS group"? Fuck off.  Your religion shit has no place in healthcare.
"Islamic Scholars"? Fuck off.  Your religion shit has no place in healthcare.
"Chaplains"?  Fuck off.  Your religion shit has no place in healthcare.
"Multi-faith representatives"? Fuck off.  Your religion shit has no place in healthcare.

And how come the fucking muslims are the only ones explicitly mentioned?  And TWICE at that?

If your version of believing in fairies doesn't allow you to do something within the same set of rules as everyone else, then kindly FUCK OFF.

Monday, 29 March 2010

The lunatics at work

Well, today has been a sad reminder of what a stupid bunch of mentally subnormal knee-jerkers and apologists for "we're all the same"-ism we have allegedly leading our godforsaken stasi-run tinpot dictatorship of a country.

Firstly, without taking the time to properly consult, indeed in less time than any reasonable consultation with the scientific bodies who have a clue would take, the joyless cuntflaps at the home orifice have decided that mephedrone is eeeeevil and must be banned immediately. Socialist sockpuppet Alan "Boredom" Johnson todays said
I am seeking cross-party support to swiftly ban these dangerous drugs from our streets
Dangerous?  On what fucking evidence you brain dead cunt?  You won't find the paucity of evidence mentioned on Pravda, but the Grauniad at least has the grace to say what Les Iverson, chair of the committe that is supposed to have a clue says.
... the figure of 18 possible mephedrone-related deaths in England was based on data from the National Programme on Substance Abuse Deaths, which collates information from police forces and forensic labs. Iversen said they were regarded as the most reliable source but cautioned he was only saying the drug was possibly implicated in those deaths.
Possibly implicated.  Possibly implicated.  Not implicated, but possibly fucking implicated.  And on the back of a mere possibility these days we ban things?  Fucking politicians need anally raping.
Full postmortems have yet to be carried out.
So... no fucking evidence at all yet then?
A further seven cases have been reported in Scotland,
although only one so far has been confirmed as a mephedrone-related death
Oh. One. Big fucking deal, though I guess it means you might have a poi... Oh, Wait.
and the heroin substitute methadone was also reported to be a factor in the case.
So, fuck all to do with mephedrone then.

You people really fucking appall me.  I hate you with a passion you media whoring, public opinion seeking self aggrandizing cunts.

So the Schools Minister, allegedly responsible for the education of our children must be better, right?

 Wrong.  So, so fucking wrong.

Kids in Devon get funded, by central misgovernment, to the tune of £393 per capita less than the national average.  To put that into context, your average 1000 pupil comprehensive in Devon is just shy of £400,000 worse off than average.  That £400k could employ 10 more teachers, or fully fund science and ICT, or employ 20 support staff, or refurbish a whole department.  Every fucking year.  And you wonder why kids in Devon are stuck in second class accommodation?  This is the single, one and only reason.

And Vernon Coaker, the Cunt In Charge of Schools, can't see past this statement
Funding levels reflect relative disadvantage in each area and Devon has fewer pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Are you mental you fucking cunt?  Can you not count?  Outside of London, it doesn't matter where the fuck you are, a teacher costs what a teacher costs.  Gas, electricity, water, phones, all the rest of it, is no fucking cheaper just because we live in fucking Devon!  Or are you such a remarkable fucking retard that you can't see that?  It has absolutely FUCK ALL to do with the socioeconomic background of the kids you weapons grade fuckwit.

Schools Minister?

Gigantic fucking cancerous cunt more like.

Sunday, 21 March 2010

Huntley Gets a Taste

As I've noted before, there does still seem to be some honour amongst thieves.  This time it's murderer Ian Huntley who, it seems, has had a little shaving accident.  A prison service mouthpiece said
His condition is not thought to be life-threatening.

Saturday, 20 March 2010

Finally the realisation about UAF dawns

The EDL tried to carry out a lawful, peaceful march today to highlight the rise of militant Islamism.  As usual the bunch of cunts that call themselves "Unite Against Fascism" demonstrate the irony of their name by trying to behave like a bunch of fascists themselves by stifling lawful assembly.  As usual.

Except today the old bill have been forced to acknowledge just what a bunch of cunts UAF really are.
Sixty-seven people were arrested, including the UAF protest organiser on suspicion of conspiracy to commit violent disorder
About fucking time, too.

And for the record, since there were more than 12 people involved the correct charge should be "Riot" not "Violent Disorder."

Paul King. Photographer, snitch.

Drunken tarts get lift from paramedic shocker!
I had been in town taking photographs of the St Patrick's Day [17 March] celebrations. I saw a paramedic's vehicle, I went to see what was going on and out popped all these ladies.
Seems okay so far, yes?  Shall we proceed?
I was amazed and took photographs.
What, tarts out on a booze up is so totally unheard of in Berkshire is it? Or was it the very idea that a drone of the state had the temerity to actually behave like a civilised human being that made your dick itch?  Well it must have I guess because then, for whatever bizarre though processes pass between your easily amazed brain cells,  you report the Paramedic for joining in the atmosphere of St. Paddy's day and publish the photos.
It is absolutely disgusting and what worries me is the number of real emergencies that were kept waiting while this was going on.
Well of that, you've got no fucking idea do you, you joyless, meddling, tittle-tattling cunt?

At least the ambulance people seem to have a slightly clearer view (presumably because they are working from facts Mr King, not jealousy.)
Our responder was informed by a member of the public that one of the members of a group of females was having difficulty and kept falling over around the corner from his location. He responded at normal speed to the location and found four females, one of whom was lying on the floor. He inquired if assistance was required and, after assessing that there was no injury or illness that required hospital intervention, he took the four females at normal speed without turning on his emergency lights or sirens to Reading train station so that they could make their way home safely.
Which is exactly the kind of response I'd expect from a decent person.  Which you're obviously not Mr King but instead a cynical, jealous turd.  "Waaaaah, he has totty in his car and I don't.  Waaaaaaah."


Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Brown: Liar

In evidence at the Iraq enquiry he said that defence spending was:
rising in real terms every year
under Labour.

Today he said that defence spending:
did not rise in real terms
in one or two years.

Even that is a pile of arse-juice.  Real Westminster records show that in FOUR years defence spending fell in real terms.  Not fucking one or two.

Lying, disingenuous cunt.   I can't wait to see the back of you you fucking useless dribble of pus.

Friday, 5 March 2010

Purest Evil

Imagine the pain of being doused with petrol and then set alight whilst tied to a railing with no hope of escape.

Imagine being a dog, not even understanding why some random human would do this to you.

Imagine being the member of the public coming across such a scene and the horror, revulsion, sympathy and empathy engendered by it.

Imagine the psychological pain of the vet who had to finally end the suffering of the animal by killing it.


RSPCA chief inspector Simon Small says
The fact that someone could do this to a living creature is beyond comprehension.
Beyond comprehension, perhaps, to decent human beings.  Not so for those from the scumbag underclasses who seek entertainment and pleasure from any source regardless of the pain inflicted.
I've never had to deal with an incident like this in my nine years with the society.
Hopefully you'll not have to do so again, but given the complete lack of moral upbringing evident on the council estates of the underclasses you might just have to.
This was a cowardly and cruel attack on a defenceless animal whose suffering was immense.
The culprits will, I'm sure, be dealt with by the authorities.  A small fine perhaps (because they can't afford to pay a proper one) or maybe a suspended 3 week prison sentence with a few hours' unpaid work requirement (which they won't turn up for anyway because they can't be arsed and which they won't be punished for missing.)

I fucking despair at times.  I really do.

Saturday, 27 February 2010

Smoking Ban - Miscarriage of Justice

You get a stiffer sentence nowadays as a result of the fucking smoking ban than you do for dealing in over £2000 worth of heroin.  Justice in this country is a fucking joke.

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

You had it coming you bastard

Prisoner throws slop at ex-Met police chief Ali Dizaei.  The poor wee lambie is now in "seclusion."  Aaaawwwwww. :D

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Fuck off, Beaner

They're ours. And we'll kick your beaner backsides back to beanerland again if we fucking have to.

Saturday, 13 February 2010

Stephen Barker gets napalmed, prisoners jubilant.

The murdering cunt Stephen Barker, murderer and torturer of Baby Peter, has been attacked in prison and burned horribly.  Apparently he
was left screaming in pain after suffering burns to his face and arm in the attack.
Good.  Good.  The prisoner who carried out this awesome attack will apparently be
getting applauded everywhere he goes now.
Good again.  There does still appear to be some honour among thieves.

Hopefully Barker's injuries will be painful in the extreme, for a very long time and with even better luck, will leave him scarred for ever so as to make him even more identifiable and thus easy to scope for further attacks.  Every remaining day of his life should be spent in pain and fear.

Thursday, 11 February 2010

Joyless, dried-up PC fuckwittery

With Valentine's day just around the corner, what better time to have a fit of PC cuntishness by banning Valentine's cards at a fucking primary school.  Come on you joyless twat, just because you're such a cunt and never get a card from your boyfriend, don't spoil a rite of annual embarrassment for your kids.  A sad little cunt you are Mr Turner, a sad little cunt.

There is still Justice in the world

No, really.

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

We didn't have long to wait now, did we?

Convicted Criminal Ali Dizaei

I wondered just how long it would take for the ethnics to start playing the racist card in an attempt to bias any future appeal by convicted lying bastard Ali Dizaei.   One fucking day.  One day after the lying, cheating, bullying piece of shit is sentenced for his crimes, they're already at it.  Well tough shit curry-chops, you've played that card already to climb the greasy pole of power, and abused the fucking shit out of it.  I hope you get fucked from here to kingdom cum and back again regularly as you enjoy the pleasures of Her Majesty's Prisons Hotels.  You have it coming.  We know it, you know it.  Bite the pillow and whimper for mummy, there's a good bitch.

Monday, 8 February 2010

This is why Islam is a danger to the UK

Read This.  Now tell me that Islam is a peaceful religion.  Complete fucking bollocks.

You want to allow *your* kids to carry knives?

An imbecile judge

A complete failure of a judge, his towel-headed wiggyness Mota Singh thinks that just because Sikh children have been baptised into their religion (i.e. have formally admitted to being mentally ill and believing in fairies, magic and other such paranormal twattishness) they should be allowed to carry knives to school.  Totally fucking ridiculous, and the retarded judge should just fucking resign, now.

A "special" person

Please, someone, explain to me why it is that people who suffer from religion seem to think that they are in some way special and above the law and rules of society?  (Yes, I know they're "special" in a Ralph kind of way.)  Just take your dark-ages idiocy and shove it where the light of the Enlightenment doesn't shine.

You're a fucking disgrace, Mota.  A total fucking disgrace.

Sunday, 24 January 2010

Nut job might be dangerous if sent home

Me, upon reading this story

A mental Iraqi who killed two NHS workers can't be deported back to DurkaDurkastan because he "could pose a danger to people in his homeland."  So fucking what? Who gives a cunting FUCK if a ragtop from ragtopland would be dangerous to other ragtops?  Why the FUCK should WE have to put up with the fuckhead and, more to the point, PAY FOR HIS FUCKING TREATMENT.   AAAAAAARGH.

I hope you're crippled for life

Another example of natural justice.  It's a pity the thieving cunts weren't killed outright, or at the very least maimed horribly.

Thieves deserve harsh justice.  I was burgled once, years ago, and still want to kill the cunt who did it.

Thursday, 21 January 2010

I hope you're proud of yourselves

The two poor sods kidnapped by the scumbag pieces of shit Somalians whilst our oh so wonderful bunch of homosexuals navy watched from mere metres away are in imminent danger of being killed by the murdering cuntwipes that inhabit that anus of a country.

I hope the cowardly yellowbellied sailors have nightmares for the rest of their lives.


Thursday, 14 January 2010

Policing today: You must be a miserable cunt to rise in the ranks

I have spoken to the officers concerned and reminded them in no uncertain terms that tobogganing on duty, on police equipment and at taxpayers' expense is a very bad idea should they wish to progress under my command.
 What a fucking miserable cunt.  

Saturday, 9 January 2010

Like a lead balloon

Man on school roof, stealing lead.  Falls off.  Critical condition with head injuries.  Serves you right you thieving cunt.

Thursday, 7 January 2010

Voyeurism FAIL

I can has titties plox?

This from the fuzz made me laugh.
Unfortunately for the man he did not turn off the camera while placing it in situ and forensic examination of the data card shows an image of him while doing this.
You mean you switched the fucking camera on and, whilst looking for pix of hot girls trying on bras "purely for evidential purposes m'Lud," you saw a pic of Mr P. Tom?  That's a "forensic examination" is it?  Mongs.

Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Goose, Gander etc...

So a bunch of ragheads think that it's okay to throw insults at serving armed forces personnel and that they shouldn't be prosecuted.

The seven of them chanted slogans as the 2nd Battalion Royal Anglian Regiment marched through Luton last March, telling the soldiers to "burn in hell" and branding them rapists, murderers and baby killers.

Their lawyer said they had flagged up to the police in advance their intention to protest, set out in advance what they wanted to say and complied with police throughout.  He also said
Citizens are entitled to expect that once they have done this they will not be prosecuted.
Oh really.  Are they?  So I can ask a bunch of friends to meet with me on a certain date, notify the police and demostrate in front of a mosque shouting racial insults and calling all muzzies a bunch of murdering cunts and expect not to be arrested can I?

I fucking think not, and neither can you.

I rather suspect, though, that the District Judge hearing the case will be burdened by thoughts of "racial harmony" and "multiculturalism."  Fuck that.  Regardless of their compliance with the police and whatnot, they still committed a public order offence, and it'll be criminal if they're not dealt with properly.

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Please take your authoritarian state and...

... shove it up your fucking arses you imbecilic, cretinous cuntwads.

I'm sick to the back teeth of being told what to do and what not to do, all for the sake of "The Environment (tm)" or "for my own good."  And don't get me started on the fatuous "Think of the Children" routine you emotionally blackmailing fuckpuppets.
  • If I want to use 100W filament lamps (in fact, bin that as I actually use 300W halogens, so suck my dick Hilary Benn) I fucking well will do. Because they're better than the piles of shit you want me to use.
  • If I want to drive the mile to work in the morning because I'm still a little sleepy or don't fancy walking in the rain, I fucking will do. Because it's more comfortable.
  • If I want to get completely shitfaced and drink myself into a stupor I fucking will do. Because it's my fucking body, and (are you ready...) I pay my taxes for the NHS and so expect free treatment.
  • If I want to buy BOGOF offers and then throw one away I fucking will do. Because it's my fucking money and I don't give flying fuck about the waste.
  • If I want to drive at 40 in a 30 I fucking will.  Because there are no fucking coppers on the beat any more to act as a deterrent.
  • If I want to rage against the rise of the dog-fucking bombers called Islam I fucking will.  Because they're NOT a peaceful religion as any glance through their book of stories will show.
  • If I want to eat a salt-laden cholesterol burger from the local burger joint I fucking will.  Because it tastes sooooo fucking good compared with the tufu burgers you bunch of cunts would have us all eating.
I'm bored now.  In short, stop fucking telling me how to live my life.  It's mine.