Saturday, 28 August 2010

English Defence League once again painted as the bad guys

This time it's the Torygraph.
Violence broke out shortly before 2pm as chanting EDL supporters began throwing missiles towards Asian youngsters and anti-fascist activists who had been taunting them with shouts of "Nazi scum off our streets."
And were the ragheads arrested for racial harrassment?  Hardly.  If the situation had been reversed, with EDL chanting "Paki cunts" at the paki cunts, then they would all have been carted off for charges of racially aggravated public order offences.  Not so the fucking muzzie cunts, who get away with it once again.
Earlier, it appeared as if a combination of police tactics and community self-restraint would stifle attempts by the EDL to provoke a violent backlash by Asian youth angry at their presence in the area.
No, you blind, brainwashed fucking idiot, the EDL isn't in it to provoke anything.  It's about making the fucking ragheads realise that it's our fucking country, not theirs, and there is no place for their dark ages retrograde society of mongs.  But we're not allowed to say that in case they get "offended."  Well fuck that.  If they are free to promulgate their brand of barbarism, including cutting womens genitals off and stoning women to death for being raped,  the surely we have the right to tell them to fuck off back to durka-durka-stan, dont we?
Ratna Lachman, of the Bradford Women's Peace Project said: The EDL have a right to protest, yes,
Very fucking generous of you, I'm sure.
but we must not allow them to provoke us into violence. Unfortunately many young Asians are very angry at years of police stop and search and anti-terror laws, Islamophobia and continuing economic discrimination.
Then  maybe you should start fixing things by taking care of the extremism in your own ranks.  If you refused to allow it to flourish, we wouldn't have to stop and search your budding little bombers. As it stands, you don't seem to be too concerned about it, so fuck off and stop whining.
As EDL supporters stepped off coaches they began hurling abuse at the locals who had gathered to protest against them, chanting "Allah - paedophile"
Well, according to their own records, Mohammed (dogshit on his name) did get betrothed to Aisha when she was 6 or 7 and the marriage was consummated when she was 9.  Ergo, Allah's prophet Mohammed is a pedo.  And I guess any magic sky god would punish a prophet who did something he disapproved of.  He didn't do anything, ergo he approves of paedophilia, ergo he's a pedo.  So you can fuck off and stop whinging about that one for a start, Mister Ragtop.
"We want our country back"
We do.
and "We love the floods"
Matthew Wells, an EDL supporter from Chesterfield, said: "If we don't fight back against Islam now we'll wake up in a few years under Sharia law. All these racial laws are racist against white people and we have to take a stand."
This is what a lot of people are afraid of.  Good on the EDL for speaking up about it, even if they are being painted as the bad man for it.

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