Thursday, 15 July 2010

Not licensed or trained...

Right.  Imagine you're a normal working man, whose job it is to paint while lines on the road.  You come across an obstacle in the form of a squashed badger.  Not recently deceased and oozy, but well and truly flattened.  Do you:
  1. Pick up a shovel from the back of the van and shovel it to the side of the road, as you would do with, say, a bit of old tyre that was in the way or
  2. Leave a gap with a dead badger in it.
Guess which option the thick cunts from Hampshire County Council chose?

Their excuse?
Council contractor Amey said the staff from sub-contractor Bellstan were not "licensed or trained" to remove road kill.
Not licensed or fucking trained?  To operate a fucking shovel?  Give me strength.

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