Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Rapist fucks boy, set free, rapes another

What the fucking fuck is the "justice" system in this pitiful country doing?

Today we read that the government thinks that it is, in some bizarre otherword inhabited by MPs, acceptable for innocent people to have their DNA kept on file for SIX FUCKING YEARS, despite the fact that they are fucking innocent!!  Apologies for the blatant plagiarism from elsewhere, but 1984 was supposed to be a warning, not a fucking blueprint you socialist fucking retards.

Also today we read that a "boy" of 16 RAPED a boy of 7 and didn't get locked up for it.  He got a "community order" for RAPE.  People get tougher sentences for driving while disqualified for fuck's sake.  It gets better though.  Having got off so lightly, does our little cherub turn over a new leaf?  Like fuck he does; he turns over another little boy.  Kidnaps and rapes a 5 year old.

Dear Home Secretary, the piece of shit above is beyond redemption.  Bring it round to mine and I'll dispatch it for you, with knives and salt, since you lot are obviously incapable of dispensing proper justice.  Useless cunts.

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