Friday, 13 November 2009

Our Shit Navy - update

So previously we saw that our Navy vessels sat idly by and "observed" Somali pirate shit holding British citizens hostage.  Now it turns out that, beyond all credibility, the same vessel actually watched the kidnap itself, from just 15m away.

These fucking Somali dogs kidnapped British Citizens, with a British Navy vessel not 50 feet away, and said British Navy vessel did ABSOLUTELY FUCK ALL.
We do not comment on operational detail but RFA Wave Knight did very well under the circumstances.
Yeah, right.  If you call buttfucking each other and ignoring the plight of the very people it is your number 1 priority to protect.

The crew of RFA Wave Night gaying it up -
whilst Brits are kidnapped just 15m away.

Fucking useless cunts.

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