Friday, 11 June 2010

Why wasn't this child in care?

If ever there was a case for putting a child into care, this was surely it.
A Gloucestershire couple have pleaded guilty to two charges of cruelty to a 14-month-old baby who died from suspected methadone poisoning. 
 You fucking what?  Two drug addled wastes of semen gave methadone to a fucking infant in order to quieten it down?  Well excuse me, but even as one who reaches instinctively for a shotgun every time a neighbour's child cries, or a sprog in a pub starts squalling, there's no way I could ever actualy do something as utterly, utterly fucking retarded as to give a kid methadone.

I'm not blaming the councils here, but I do think that if a pair of druggie scumbags procreate, their offspring should be taken into care and adopted out immediately.  No questions, no appeals.  Because they are a scourge on society and do not deserve children.

I'm also curious as to why the Crown stuPidity disService decided to withdraw charges of manslaughter.  Surely it's clear that the actions of the druggie shitwipes caused the death of the kid, there is ne need to prove intent when charging constructive manslaughter or criminally negligent manslaughter and any jury would surely find these sacks of pustulent scum guilty.

1 comment:

Julia said...

Whats the problem??
They reduced the future druggie population by one....result.
More please!