What the fucking pikey gippo scum leave behind
There are not enough fucks, cunts, wankers and shits in the world to sum this shit up. These fucking pikey, gippo cunts do nothing except steal from society without putting fucking anything back into it and the fucking cunting fucking cunts are to get massive fucking loans for fucking free? And THEY get to set the fucking repayment plan? So that they
will eventuellers-ally (sic) own the land and have a sense of ownership.AAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
I never really understand why these 'travelers' get so miffed when they're asked to 'move on'.
I mean, it's in the name, isn't it?
im a Traveller and i dont live in places like that i don't have to steal and no one else does mate to be honest i can name a handful of travellers that are in prison you know how many country people are mate your the real scum i don't swear and swear and cuss and use language in front of girls and take drugs and definately no 1 in the travelling community ever have sex before marridge so if u got facebook add me and you will see what gentleman we are. Wonne Herne
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