Tuesday, 29 December 2009

At least give the body back you heartless chink cunts

Whilst I don't have much to say about the actual execution of Akmal Shaikh for drug smuggling in Ricerland (Rome, Romans etc.) I do think they're being cunts for not allowing his body to go back to his rellies as reported on the BBC TV news.

They're also being cunts for trying to wriggle out of the critical spotlight with such weaselly statements as
We express our strong dissatisfaction and opposition to the British government's unreasonable criticism of the case. We urge [them] to correct their mistake in order to avoid harming China-UK relations.
You might be right in executing him according to your own system and I have no problem with that, but you can't expect everyone to agree just because you think they should.  Rule your own country as you see fit, but if we want to criticise you we fucking well will do you chinky cunts.  Maybe our foreign minister should grow some balls and tell you that executing Brits might just injure that same relationship, but he's such a useless cunt that that'll never happen.

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