Tuesday, 29 December 2009

At least give the body back you heartless chink cunts

Whilst I don't have much to say about the actual execution of Akmal Shaikh for drug smuggling in Ricerland (Rome, Romans etc.) I do think they're being cunts for not allowing his body to go back to his rellies as reported on the BBC TV news.

They're also being cunts for trying to wriggle out of the critical spotlight with such weaselly statements as
We express our strong dissatisfaction and opposition to the British government's unreasonable criticism of the case. We urge [them] to correct their mistake in order to avoid harming China-UK relations.
You might be right in executing him according to your own system and I have no problem with that, but you can't expect everyone to agree just because you think they should.  Rule your own country as you see fit, but if we want to criticise you we fucking well will do you chinky cunts.  Maybe our foreign minister should grow some balls and tell you that executing Brits might just injure that same relationship, but he's such a useless cunt that that'll never happen.

Sunday, 27 December 2009

Finally some concrete evidence that Plasticops (tm) are a waste of oxygen

Achtung!  Schnell!  You vill not be phographink me!

At long last some evidence has surfaced about the plasticops (PCSOs) that rings true, instead of the usual drivel about them being a "visible deterrent" and other such utter shit.  From the Torygraph:
Earlier this year a report found that PCSOs accounted for more than half of all police staff gross misconduct cases during the last financial year despite only making up about a fifth of the workforce.
If there ever was any evidence that these are precisely the kind of people to whom one should not be giving any power, however slight, then this is surely it.

Another disease for druggies

This made me laugh.  Hard.

Saturday, 26 December 2009

In your dreams, retard

Idiot in a dress thinks that MP's expenses scandal will drive people to the church.  In your dreams, fucktard.  We're angry, not fucking mental.

On a positive note


Thursday, 24 December 2009

Another murdering raghead bastard

And this time the pig fucker, As(sh)o(le) Mohammed Ibrahim, is using "human rights" legislation to stay in the UK despite a deportation order being passed.

A dog fucking, pork licking Cunt

If you come to this country, kill one of us, and then expect to stay here after serving your prison sentence, you fucking piece of shit, then think again.  If you aren't deported, you will be fucking dealt with.  Expect justice one way or another you dog fucking, pork-eating cunt.

Make your fucking mind up, christfags.

Either it's okay to shove it up the shitpipe or it's not. A progressive bish thinks it's okay, a book of fairytales says otherwise.

 Man in dress and funny hat:
Dr Sentamu told the BBC the Anglican communion was committed to recognising that gay people were valued by God.
Spellbook called "bible":
Leviticus 18:22 - You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.
Leviticus 20:13 - If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall be put to death; their blood is upon them.
Pretty fucking clear if you ask me. If you're going to subscribe to magic, fairies and wizards, and if you're going to accept the ramblings of imbeciles as the "word of god" (stupid cunts) then at least have the courage to stand by your convictions otherrwise you're cunts.  Oh, wait, you believe in fairies anyway.  So you're already cunts.  'Scuse me.

Fucking xmas

Fucking fuck.

Sunday, 20 December 2009

Christian teacher sacked for "bullying"

OK, so I'm an atheist and I loathe religion and its hold on society and politics.  But in little ways it is usually pretty harmless and gives some comfort to the weak minded.  So I was pretty fucking amazed to read this today in the Fail on Sunday.  I mean, the teacher is obviously retarded for believing in fairies and such, but offering to pray for a sick kid is hardly bullying.  Unless you're such a total cunt that you can't take another person's offer of comfort with good grace, even if you disagree with the substance of it.

So to Mrs Jones: you're stupid for believing in sky pixies, but good for you for offering comfort.

And to the mother of the "bullied" kid: you are a cunt.  Eat shit and die.

About time

Cuntface Cowell's manufactured drivel won't be at number 1 this xmas.  Thank fuck for that.

Friday, 18 December 2009

A fair sentence for a change

This is, for a change, a fair sentence.  Fucking idiots that steal vehicles and drive them on the road should all receive a similarly hard sentence instead of the usual ban from driving (which they will ignore anyway because they're already banned and don't give a fuck.)

Thursday, 17 December 2009

"Honour" Killings

Evil, murdering sandnigger.

Pretty girl killed by evil, murdering sandnigger.

Please, for the love of all that matters, stop referring to these abhorrent murders as "Honour Killings."  There is no honour in them and those who perpetrate them are evil shits, almost always from the raghead "devout" groups who want to keep women opressed and suppressed and who kill their daughters for "religious differences."  (Muslim differences as usual.  Sunni vs Alevi in this case.)

Evil murdering cunts.  Leave your barbarism back in Durka-Durkastan you fucks.

Sunday, 13 December 2009

Won't someone do the same to Brown

This should happen to Gordoom
Wop boss and squillionaire Berlusconi got bitch-slapped today.  Please, please can't someone approach Gordoom from his blind side and do the same?  Or worse?

Pretty please?

Monday, 7 December 2009

It's only a fucking rat

I mean, so what if a Zeleb killed it?  No big deal, no apology required.  Kill a few more whilst you're at it.

Sunday, 6 December 2009

God, I'm angry today

And I don't know why, and I don't like it.  I've been spoiling for a fight for hours and I just hope I don't go out and pick one.  It's not my cup of tea and I'm a shit fighter.

Learn to fucking park

Jesus fucking H Christ, why can't you lot of cunts park properly?  You know it's a difficult road, because you're always fighting for spaces so explain to me why you feel it necessary when you do manage to find 2 adjacent spaces to park like a complete cunt and use both of them forcing me to park half a fucking mile away.  Fucking cunting cunts the fucking lot of you.  Please fucking die.  Did I mention I think you're cunts?  I did?  Good.  Cunts.

Who are the Fascists again? Oh yes, Unite Against Fascism.

So, the English Defence League held a rally in Nottingham today.  It would have been a peaceful affair, demonstrating against the increase in fundamentalist islamists operating in our country and against even the possibility of allowing sharia to become a part of the English way of life.  Fuck all of that.

Well, it would have been peaceful at any rate, but instead the violent extremists Unite Against Fascism turned up and started getting violent as usual.  Anyone wanting to express free speech these days needs to be prepared to run the gauntlet of the UAF, who can't seem to grasp the irony of an anti-fascist group trying to silence a different group by force simply for having a different point of view.  Probably because to see that would require some little intelligence, and the UAF cunts are as thick as dogshit mostly.

Guess which side the police farce teamed up with?  Well obviously you don't need to guess.  The shameful fascists that are the police farce teamed up with the anti-fascists to mob a group who aren't fascist or racist (unlike yours truly, obviously.)  Well done UAF for being your usual cuntish selves, and well done the Nottinghamshire old bill for being a bunch of cunts too.

Edit: Also interesting is the BBC slant on the events.
Police have clashed with members of the English Defence League during a protest in Nottingham, with 11 people arrested.
Purposefully neglecting to mention that  without the counter demo from UAF there would have been no trouble whatsoever.  BBC being political?  Surely not.  BBC, you're cunts too.

Friday, 4 December 2009


Wall, meet Shit.

Fucking loled hard.


Shit, meet Fan.

(I see the Brown Broadcasting Company couldn't resist putting the word sceptics in quotes when referring to climate change sceptics, as if to undermine them.)

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Fucking bad language on BBC Cunting One

For some reason, it seems that the BBC now deems it necessary to interrupt a fucking film with a banner because it's a bit sweary.  For fuck's sake you cock-squatters, it was after cunting midnight!  Arsewipes, the fucking lot of you.