Sunday, 31 October 2010

Remind me again why I pay taxes?

Is it so that firefighters can stand idly by and watch a bloke drown, refusing even to help a member of the public rescue the poor fucker?  And then go on strike on fucking bonfire night?  Idle, cynical cunts.

Or is it so that the filth can stand idly by, watching an illegal rave going on without closing it down?  Idle cunts.

Or possibly so that a brain-dead ginger twat can have a go at another brain dead ginger twat?  Just cunts.

Stop stealing my fucking wages, the fucking lot of you.

Saturday, 23 October 2010

Islam, the religion of peace

Fucking animals.  What's happening there is far worse than what one insane man was doing in Eye-rack.  Time to cauterize the world of the shit-spouting, pig-fucking islamists once and for all, isn't it?

Sunday, 17 October 2010

At last, a decent idea for the druggie scumbags

Sterilise the fuckers.  It's a start I suppose.  Use radioactive sutures while you're at it and give the useless oxygen stealers cancer.

I thought it was quite dull

This week the BBC started a  new drama about hot lezzers called Lip Service.  Being on BBC3, and starring Ruda Gedmintas (who happily popped the pups out in The Tudors) I was expecting more jubblies than were served up.  About 3 seconts of tits in the whole fucking show, and a couple of shots of her with her hands down some other tarts jeans in a mortuary looking like she was trying to sandpaper some rough old oak rather than tickling the old love bean.

Still, it seems to have got the god botherers all worked up, which is always a good thing.

Alice Seddon, who contacted a national newspaper, said
I was shocked and horrified. It was so off-putting I switched off.
Congratulations fuckwit, that's what the off button is for.  No need to go whining about it.  Another viewer, commenting on an internet forum, described the funeral parlour sex scene as
stomach churning
As he wiped the jizz from his quivvering belly, probably.

Any way.  "Lip Service": 3/10.  Needs moar tits.

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Dear asylum seeking spongers

Dear asylum-seeking, money-wasting, benefit-scrounging wastes of oxygen,

Thank you.  And don't let the door hit your fucking arse on the way out.