Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Shameful injustice

Back in January, a (presumably retarded) judge ruled that a mental Iraqi who murdered two NHS nurses in 1990 cannot be deported back to his shitty little country because he
could pose a danger to people in his homeland.
And this week a (presumably equally retarded) judge ruled that a British citizen who was found guilty at a trial widely held to be unjust must be deported to Portugal to serve a prison sentence.

There's something fundamentally wrong here.  Britain has lost its way and no longer recognises even itself as a sovreign state and bows to the will of the EUSSR and other foreigners.

Fuck you for ruining my country, all you politicians.  Fuck you all.

Sunday, 25 April 2010

The word you're looking for is "prossies."

Tonight on the BBC there was a programme entitled "Five Daughters."  The blurb for the programme reads
The story of five young women murdered in Ipswich in the winter of 2006
Not a mention of the fact that they were prossies.  How very liberal progressive of you Aunty.

The destruction of a beautiful place

Give me back my beauty spot you fucking gippo cunts.

Oh the irony

Parliamentary candidates in the Lancaster and Fleetwood constituency have all been invited to a hustings in a local church.  Except the BNP.  You may think there's nothing unusual in that and you'd be right.  It's the norm today to marginalise and try to ignore the BNP.

What particularly stood out for me though was this little gem from the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams.
I find it very difficult to see the BNP as part of a serious political discussion and very often people will exploit the platform to say inflammatory and silly things.
"Silly things"?  This from a man who dresses up every day in a dress and professes to believe in fairies?  Fucking hell.

Thursday, 15 April 2010

Gone by the turn of the century

When I was at school, the then-youthful green movement was very fond of telling us that we would have run out of fossil fuels by the turn of the century.

So here we are some ten years later and everything seems to be going strong to me.  Particularly when gems like this crop up.  Two trillion cubic feet of gas.  Shove that up your green arseholes you cunts.

And another one gone, and another one gone...

... another one bites the dust.

Two in a week.  Fucking awesome :D

Tuesday, 13 April 2010


A thieving twat trying to steal metal from a power station has been burnt to a crisp (aka received "horrific burns") when exposed to 66,000 volts of electricity.

Fucking made me laugh hard!

The true scale of our financial mess

I didn't realise we were this badly fucked.


Sunday, 11 April 2010

If it looks like...

If it looks like a cunt and it dribbles like a cunt, it probably is a cunt Labour health secretary.

Saturday, 10 April 2010

Bicycles have lights for a reason

And this is it.  Dozy twat.

Some good news for a change

Just over a year ago, this piece of shit:

broke into a man's house with an accomplice in order to burgle the place.  The homeowner was, understandably, a little miffed about this and stabbed the thieving cunts quite a bit.  So much in fact that one was in hospital and one, the ugly cunt in the picture, died.  Aaaaah, what a fucking pity.

The CPS, mindless cunts that they are, decided to prosecute the homeowner for murder instead of recommending him for a medal.

Well now it seems that common sense has prevailed a little; the CPS have now said that they
will not contest his not guilty plea. 
Well it's about time.  He should never have been charged in the first place, and you bunch of cunts have now realised how wrong you were.  I hope he sues the shit out of you for putting him through a year's worth of worry and anguish.  He fucking deserves it.  You cunts.

Friday, 9 April 2010

Insufficient Expletives

What the fucking pikey gippo scum leave behind

There are not enough fucks, cunts, wankers and shits in the world to sum this shit up.  These fucking pikey, gippo cunts do nothing except steal from society without putting fucking anything back into it and the fucking cunting fucking cunts are to get massive fucking loans for fucking free?  And THEY get to set the fucking repayment plan?  So that they
will eventuellers-ally (sic) own the land and have a sense of ownership.


Prejudiced Police Pinch Perky Penis

Some dozy cunt without a sense of humour whinges to the police about a 4-foot concrete penis and they cuntfiscate it.  Talk about penis envy.  Humourless cunts.

Laughing at the misfortune of others

We all do it, and we all enjoy it.  Unless it's about us, of course, in which case we whine and bitch about it and involve national organisations.

Sorry love, but if you go to a Frankie Boyle gig and laugh at his jokes about other peoples' misfortune you've got absolutely no fucking right at all, none whatsoever, to feel offended when he has a go at the brand of retard that in some way affects you personally.

And to the spokesmong of the Mong Association, all I want to say is: mongs, like most brands of retard, are just a drain on society and we'll all be better off when we manage to eradicate the causes of them.  Until we have, kindly stop being chronically offended about the humour that is to be found in retards.  Mongs, spackers and flids are just plain funny.

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Downright thievery

Just saw an ad on TV that astonished me.  A company called QuickQuid flogging short term loans at usurious rates.  The TV caption said "Typical 2356% APR" but surely that's a mistake thought I.


A whole morning to say one thing?

Jesus Fucking H Christ, the BBC have gone completely mental this morning.  We all knew yesterday that cuntface had called the election for May 6th.  BBC1 is on air all fucking morning repeating itself ad nauseam.  There was just a whole ten minute slot devoted to the Queen arriving at Buck House by helicopter for fuck's sake.

I've been looking forward to this election for ages but the next month is going to be so depressing.  Which slightly right of centre party will win?  They're both the fucking same.

Just vote for anyone other than the three main parties.  It doesn't actually matter who, but a good showing for LPUK or Jury Team would be awesome.  Or BNP/UKIP to scare the establishment.  That would be fun!

Thursday, 1 April 2010

Achtung! Appel! Recyclingzeit!

Look out Northamptonshire, the fucking Nazis are coming here.  Better get your recycling in order quicksharp or the council gas bills are going to be on the rise.

Recyclers this way! Free lentils and hemp dresses!

Non-recyclers that way!  You're going for a "shower!"
The aim is to encourage residents to recycle by identifying any barriers they face and answering any questions about recycling.
Barrier:  I don't give a flying fuck about recycling.
Question:  What the fuck do you think you can do about it?

I'd rather waste my time making sure that all of my rubbish has no identifying marks on it and leaving it in the middle of the road where you have a statutory duty to clear it up than waste my time sorting my shit into piles for you.

Recycle this, motherfuckers